Friday, May 11, 2012

second gear

i feel like i got my homework done early! after posting my latest video on YouTube "talk about what?" a flood of ideas came pouring in thanks to my real world and cyber friends. i guess i can't stand talking about me..."get over it maya!" i'll be stalling again this coming week with an inspiring interview with Andrea Lewis from TGAW, but Tuesday, May 22 will be maya's world in full effect. the best thing about this #shameless challenge is the massive support i've been receiving from everyone. i really had no idea so many people were in the same boat as me. so thank you for supporting and encouraging me to get over this nonsense.  i haven't even begun to scrape the surface of #shameless. i'm still not doing a very good job...gotta kick myself into second gear...
lots of fun entertaining things are lined up. my biggest challenge is balancing my personal, career, and creative life. so many diy's i want to do but the time! it'll come...

in terms of this challenge, moving forward i'll be dissecting #shameless with interviews and discussions as well as #shamelessly plugging myself and the fun things it is i do. a still from footage with Andrea Lewis on location at The Highline

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