that is correct. TEAK! my fav! a matching hutch and dinning set.

my aunt crocheted this entire table work.

i love her cute primary coloured balcony.

imagine my surprise when i found this rose from mother's day alive and growing roots. they were cut and she just stuck it in a pot. you can see in the photo on the right the rose stem is green with life. and those other plants are seeds from the oranges and lemons she was eating. i just love the detail and care her apartment exudes. these are all my aunts, but mama mimi is the one beside my mom. and yes those roses they're all holding are the ones from which she planted.

ok. back to her apartment.

her perfume collection neatly organized.

and finally a glamour shot of her daughter, my cousin Ligaya, fiercing it up in her blossom hat.
thanks for the dinner and lovely inspiration mama mimi!!!
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