Tuesday, October 26, 2010

It's all in Your Head

What better way to spend your commuting time than reading a good book that sparks a new awareness. I'm all about growing and evolving as a person and here are my two recent reads that have done just that. Any more suggestions?
cost: $$12.95 (The War of Art)
$16.95 (Millionaire Next Door)

This is a must read for anyone who stumbles onto this blog. We all have resistance and this book screams at you in the face to get up and start working on that thing you've been putting off.

I don't know a single soul who has their finances in check. I don't care how much your a$$ makes. You are either in debt or you have little to no savings. This book is great as it gives case studies on the wealthy (not to be confused with "rich") and how their thought patterns are different. It's not about the "now" and instant gratification but more about planning and sacrificing for a comfy future. I love how the secret to being wealthy revealed by author Thomas Stanley is....drum roll please......FRUGALITY! There is an entire chapter entitled FRUGAL FRUGAL FRUGAL.
"Being frugal is the cornerstone of wealth-building. Yet far too often the big spenders are promoted and sensationalized by the popular press".
You do know what this means right? It only confirm what I'm working very hard towards which is being wealthy beyond belief :)

Please share any suggestions on good read as I'm almost finished The War of Art


Niki McNeill Brown said...

So while on the topic of frugality....
.... would you be open to a book swap/borrow? :-)

I'll ship you "The Four Hour Work Week" in exchange for one of these!!

Dr. Mohamed said...

Depending on how well these books work, we'll soon be reading about how rich and creative you've become :).

Neat book selections!

maya said...

i'll swap. let me ask the hubby if he plans on reading Millionaire next door otherwise i'll send it out this week. email me your address.

yes hopefully my creative frugality manifest into riches :)