Thursday, September 25, 2008

maya's world!

i'm sick! working too many days on set with 4am call times is finally taking a number on me. i'm filming a movie for Battlestar Galactica and working with the amazing Edward James Olmos. today is my day off from set but no sleep for the wicked. my uber talented cousin Matt finally sent me illustrations for my animation sensation. i wanted to scream when i opened my email but it was 10pm and i've got a crazy dude living below me :0 isn't she so cute?! this afternoon i need to make my way down to Bellingham to get my prints off. hopefully i get some rest saturday :S


bloggeranonymous said...

OH MY GOSH! NO HE DIDN'T DRAW YOU EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't even believe it!!! It is soooo good - please tell him!!!

Marmalad Shipkofff said...

soooo fuckin' cute! :) greetings