Wednesday, July 23, 2008

get cReatiVE!

we have been programmed to do things the fast, easy, costly way, but how about taking some time out and having fun and getting creative. one way to save money and have fun is to make your own greeting cards and/or envelopes. think about are $5 and up! so start making your own cards like you were in preschool again. you can cut things out from magazines creating collages, use the good ol' macaroni pasta and glue them on cardboard, anything! be creative, look in your kitchen, bedroom, or living room and you'd be surprised what you can create with a little imagination. and you make someone feel super special :)
i mail a lot of CD's out and decided to start making my own packages and cards. here's the envelopes.
cost: $0+creativity

use a nail and hammer on a protective surface so you don't damage your floors. start hammering holes.

now start sewing the edges together with some thread or yarn or whatever

make sure you put the article in the envelope before you sew it shut.

get creative!

all done! i had to block out their name since i don't think they received the package yet.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

the secret's out

i know i'm not the last person to buy this book, so if you haven't already go out and buy The Secret. this book is amazing!!! if you feel lost, unsure, uninspired, need a challenge, bored, whatever, go get this book now! i bought The Secret this past thursday, july 18th and it has changed my life. you will not regret it.
cost: $21.56+tax

Friday, July 11, 2008

etsy page

i jumped on the ban wagon and now have an etsy page featuring selected prints of my photography. i just picked up some slides from the lab today from my recent trip to new york, miami and the virgin islands. oh yeah...these images were taken with my holga, which i absolutely adore!!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

two of hearts

sorry for the delay. here's a photo shoot i did for a clothing line Two of Hearts. the line is made with organic cottons and bamboo keeping both comfort and fashion in mind.