Wednesday, July 11, 2012 has begun

it's up! phase 2 of my journey to #beshameless. for regular updates follow me by clicking on the links below:
my tumblr/site:
facebook page
twitter: @mayasworld coming soon!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

the rebranding of Maya

this is turning out to be an eventful summer! in addition to the house hunting which is coming to a close, i've booked a bag of voice work! I've been hanging out with cool peeps, and enjoying the summer with the love of my life...KISSES!!!
AND i'm rebranding!!! what that means is i won't be here on frugal artist much :( i find it sad since this site is my longest running online presence. why am i rebranding? this whole shameless thing is taking over and i need a dedicated site to all things shameless...i'll do my best to keep you up-to-date with all my frugal happenings with the house move and all which means redecorating, shopping! being creative!!!
but back to shameless...i need to see if my brother can AND has the time to design some cool logos and stuff and then i need to design a simple straight forward wordpress site on all the shameless happenings. i need my own #hashtag too! any ideas?'s my latest and 2nd last video up on