*update* since a reader wants to call me a "liar" let me clarify...*can you believe her previous owner took advantage of her friends and left this cutie pie behind. if you can't take care of a dog for the rest of their lives DON'T GET A DOG!

i finally started training at my J.O.B. i never thought i would be happy to have one but i am. i can't say where i'll be working since i signed a contract but i can say i will be a cocktail waitress at some swank lounge. my goal is to get my finances in check within 6-12months, make good contacts and go back to being a full-time freelance artist.
remember Maya's World? well i sent my voice demo to a few NY agents and against all odds got signed and have started auditioning in the voice world. too cool! my goal is to be a real life cartoon character but that doesn't seem to by the NY market. so far my auditions have been for commercial work but whatevs. i'd like to dominate this and make my way over to the cartoon world in LALA land :)

oh and i'm still grinding away at my script. i'm not writing per say but i am interviewing peeps from the 80's. so cool! actually today i did my first interview. very inspiring to hear personal stories. i was pulling from imagination which is good but now i have first hand accounts :) i'm planning 2 more interviews before i get back to my pen and paper with loaded amo.

i also met up with a very talented makeup artist today and we hit it off! i'm looking forward to getting back to my fashion photography roots. lots of ideas have been a brewing now if i could find me a stylist!
that's pretty much a good summary. i haven't been doing anything to my apartment. the hubby and i plan on moving shortly so my finances will be spent on furnishings and decor.
my life has been pretty much a hustle. i haven't had much time to make or do anything artsy fartsy. just building my contact/client list, setting up all my pieces so i can go in for the kill :)
by mid-august i should be back to my artsy self.
Congrats on the progress!! Seems like you're making great connections!!!
Sounds like you have a lot of great things going on... Hooray! ;)
Wow. Amazing progress! Good luck with wherever the wind takes you <3
thanks ladies! i feel a whole lot better. definitely a 180 from week 1 :)
Congratulations on your accomplishments & your cute lil addition to the family. So adorable! You'll be the voice for a cartoon character soon! You've already put that into the works by creating yourself as one. :)
Hahah I LOVE YOU DEMO COVER! It rocks! I'd listen to that in a second! Congrats on getting signed!
ah! i see the new yorker in you already :)
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