Monday, June 28, 2010

images deleted

i delete a LOT of images but i'm gonna chill out. i've discovered every image can have meaning.
here are a few images i would normally delete however saved with a few actions by Nelly Nero, Coffee Shop, and Fallout75

as you can see i've been playing around with CS4 this weekend. video tutorial coming:)


J. said...

these captures are pure. i love the first one most - the tone, the lights, the objects.

do. not. delete. any. more!

J. said...

ooo .. & where did you get your cs4? i'm still using cs2 ... :/ lol.

maya said...

i enjoy the first one too! when i worked at a studio i got it. i'll post tutorials hopefully by the end of the week

Niki McNeill Brown said...

Gorgeous work! I'm getting CS4 tomorrow & I can't wait to play with it :-)

Anonymous said...

Great pictures