MTA gets you any where period. those New Yorkers are hustlers! every time i took the train there's someone dancing, singing or selling stuff just to get a piece of the pie.
that's Fly Lady Di on the left, who's appeared in international magazines for her accomplishments as a painter and Melly Mel on the right who dances around the globe. she was part of the amazing Beattles 'Love' show in Las Vegas. these two girls are a ball of talent and we're all from Ontario!
how's that heater doing Melissa?
i'm deprived in Vancouver, Canada! i have to travel 45 mins to the one black hair supply store just to get moisturizer and if you do get your hands on this stuff, they charge you twice as much as what you'd pay in New York or Toronto. i walk down 125th in Harlem and there is store after store and aisle after aisle of all the hair products i can dream of.
of course.